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@thedaniel "subpool" means I can sub in games but I'm not officially on a team yet.
Trying to leave bar but 2 gentlemen just bought us beers.
Mexican dive bar hopping downtown while we wait for bar 107 to open.
I'd like to introduce u to the newest subpool skater Mickispeedia! Woot!
And the drinking begins. At La Cita with fresh meat.
Heading to the track for tryouts. 2nd time's a charm, right? Isn't that what they say?#Rollerderby
Yuri's 85 year old babushka reads Harlequin romance novels in Russian.
Evan doesn't know it but I sprinkled some anti growth syrum in his chicken and stars.
Trying to figure out what to do with some very bad news.
Enjoying @twittelator as we cart home OUR NEW TV!
HDTV research done, thanks to my twitter helpers, especially @escapist. I'm confident it's a good deal. Just not used to spending so much $!
Leaving soon to go see a guy about purchasing his giant HDTV. Having big purchase jitters. #secondhand #newtome
A refrigerator full of healthy food fills me with an unreasonable feeling of accomplishment.
Re-training myself: Bring reusable water bottle with me - even to rock shows!
@sloane the next time there is a techkaraoke car headed to sonoma and i'm not invited, we are no longer friends.
@thepartycow is telling me things about my dog's ball sack.
The boy is reserving something for a few days. Going away for my birthday! Best part: Jack can come with us. :)
I sure am spending a lot of time managing my time.
Holy crap! Gene Simmons & his daughter r going to perform the National Anthem at the next derby bout Dec 13! Tix:
Is anyone going to Good Magazine party tonight? I'm tempted but staying in with a movie and a blanket also sounds nice.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams sara Ian McKellar Chris Wetherell veen Dennis Crowley Jason Shellen rae brune Maggie Mason Buzz Andersen Matt Galligan danah boyd Mary Hodder Brian Walsh Jason Cosper seanbonner Xeni Jardin om tedr Andrew Crow peterme Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch dakota smith adam michael lambie Jeremy Hubert Scott Beale David Crow Erika Hall President Monteiro bryan mason Thomas Vander Wal
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