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"It's not that I can't understand your writing. It's just that, when I'm reading it, I get distracted by how much I want to hit you."
You see how I used a typical adjective as an atypical noun, upsetting your natural comprehension of that sentence? That's CHI gold, that is.
The passive voice has never been used so much. Then again, there is evidence that a scholarly paper has never been written by a particular.
@jbhertel Whoa, I'm jealous! Then again, I saw Keller at Horning's Hideout with String Cheese and Franti, so I can't complain too much.
@nonesti You ever see Keller Willams live? Such a treat.
@james812 And that is, in essence, the spirit of HCI/d.
I'm going to assume the Toyota filled with machetes that left its dome light on had a darn good reason, and doesn't need my intervention.
Spiral staircases are cool right up until the point where you have your *own* spiral staircase. Only then do you learn the tragic reality.
@james812 Fall Out Boy is one of my favorite guilty pleasures. Dropping into the terrain park at Afton Alps when plugged in? Heaven.
Thank you, Indiana Secretary of State, for your online form fees, which confirm that Ticketmaster doesn't have a monopoly on extortion.
Drinking a chai, centering my qi, ignoring CHI.
Phew! Finally got VirtualHostX to work with mod_rewrite. I needed to pass in some <Directory> rules to httpd-vhosts.conf. I mean, duh.
SexBook Pro put to sleep, stashed in backpack. An hour later, fan is running full blast and the casing is too hot to touch. Fever dreams?
@jingman I miss it too.
...meanwhile, I'm coming down with my nephew's cold.
@jingman I used Campaign Monitor at the windsurf shop and loved every inch of it. Constant Contact is for ugly idiots with money.
@jivebot No doubt. The good news is, if you have iMovie '08 you can still download and use '06. Hooray for downgrading!
iMovie '06, you are so vastly superior to iMovie '08. I cannot, for the life of me, figure out the mental model that is assumed for '08.
@houssian I honestly don't know how parents do it. Do you have superhuman powers or something?


veen Celina Mark Bixby Warren, Mr. Warren Sally Carson Twitterrific Adaptive Path hotdogsladies Jennifer Whigham Kevin Makice Barack Obama Jake Ingman John Robinson Anne John Wayne Hill Jason de Runa Marty Siegel Nina Perry Indiana SOI Aaron Houssian judydog change02 Daniel Yoo starlarva Drew McKinney 24ways jeffreybardzell Jon Abernathy James Schmittler seanryanconnoll molaughlin lance_hardy bixbyheart bpstephe sbardzell julieharpring