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playin' with 7search
flying to hongkong this month,any hotel recommendations?
applying for Adwords API
dirt inside the imac screen,it sucks!
google reader has a new design
changing my twitter deisgn,this dark one looks nice!
oh it's december again!
is digitalpoint forum down?
I'm having a headache :(
@namecheap hey man,I didn't receive the verification code,have no idea why..
@bennytejeda lol btw what are the sizes of them?
@bennytejeda very cool,i have an imac as well and the 24" screen alone looks nice,can't imagine how cool it'll be with 4 monitors!
@bennytejeda all 4 monitors are just for one machine?
@firetown thanks for the tips mike,noted. :-)
@firetown actually i didn't start any decent websites, I'm just reading a lot and learning the ins and outs of affiliate marketing.
@firetown they are looking pretty cool. how's your forum (the one I was a mod of) , have you sold it? btw,what's up with your dp account?
@firetown I've been learning the Internet marketing stuff for several months now and it's fun,how about you?


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams sara Krissy Bush Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest Noah Scott Fegette Matt Galligan Jerry Richardson Mary Hodder Xeni Jardin Paul Terry Walhus Martin Hall michael lambie tommy payne Jason "Kerr" Adams Tom Limongello Luciano E. Guerche Jim Kleckner thomasknoll Jason Calacanis Sanford B Carlos Granier Kingsley Joseph Audrey Chooi Jennifer Woodard M Chaitanya Sagar Justine Chris Brogan julien Veronica Belmont Brian Clark Jim Long Sarah Lewis
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