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@p01 that's a very girly April fool. I'll put a Leprechaun in your pants.
hates waterfalls (ponies and rainbows too)
@edasfr I'd go with html5lib if I had to do this. But XPath seriously ;-D (disclaimer, I <3 document.evaluate)
has just heard that Clutter (the bling-bling thing for GNOME) is moving to git.
has to clean the place up in order to welcome my new flatmate. He's from France.
is going back to teh meeting for 2 (or more) hours of fun.
@mezzoblue zomg, this is the main (fast food) dish here. #Norway. yum yum!
becomes a killing machine when you give him access to a bug tracker.
is playing with werkzeug, nice (anti-)framework that doesn't give you the feeling that it does something in a way you don't want to.
has the feeling that QA people are often seen as the guy-who-can-do-the-stuff-you-dont-want-to. A stands for assurance, not anyone else.
@stephtara -> Café de Grancy + thé Jasmin.
arrrgh Java (byte code) to JS... why, please why?
@jiayongou popup's are so 1998 and deffo not cool. I'm sorry.
@Raphaelbriner joli logo sur HW! seul le favicon conserve le rose. (tips: désactivez la l10n allemande)
wow that is cool! (@mx3, look look!!)
is mixing marketing or marketing mixing.
realizing how shitty e-mail (mailling-list) only communication really is. VDM


veen Mr Messina Dan Cederholm Molly E. Holzschlag Olivier Tantek Çelik Hickensian Si Jobling Norm! Danny Ayers Drew McLellan François Hodierne Timbo Simon Willison Steve Marshall Matt Biddulph Edd Dumbill Nate Koechley Stuart Colville Christian Heilmann Brian Suda Tom Jeff Croft Danny Amey John Gruber Malarkey Julien Henriette Stephanie Booth Olivier Tripet Crausaz Samuel Kevin Marks Anne Dominique Jeffrey Zeldman Mike West
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