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ok, I need to get some fresh air now that it's sunny again (weird weither), off for a short run
Thinking about going "chez papa" tonight, who wants to join?
@sdelbecque You must be close to SFO by now. Have a safe trip with the whole family and enjoy your time there!
@greggrunberg cool I hope there will be a blog. @sixapart can help setting that up for you
cold. I want summer back, thanks.
eating carots, drinking milk, then apple sauce. Sheeet, tough to be single
@mastooo congrats! What colors you'll ask HP to put on it? ;-)
mac crashed and for once, FF restored my opened tabs, but from the *previous* session. Doh
back from @notifixious HQ, had a got time with @julien51 and @mastooo talking about tech and coding
Baby crying to sleep. But baby is accross the ocean. Where's my jetpack? teleportation anyone? doh, can't help :-(
listening to fip -
I love my new Amazon app, thanks @garthwebb
@PhilJ It's too easy for you to win, since you can bribe him with alcohol. Let's bet he wouldn't tweet more than 15 tweets in 15 days
@philj for a moment I thought olivier had a twitter account. But there is no @oliviercreiche, in 2012 maybe :-)
Reproducibility and and predictability in my bug debugging this morning. It's a good start for the week.
@beausmith keep us updated on how you like One of my neighbor use it too, I often see the box at the doorstep
@hsbc you won the award for the most ridiculous register screen (Global View) 8 alphanum chars password (no more no less). wtf?
Breakfast with rhubarb jam from my grand parents. I just miss the crepes to go with it


Michael Sippey Walt Dickinson Paul Lindner Jay Allen Jean Sini Erin Twitterrific Brad Fitzpatrick Kevin Rose Masayoshi Sekimura Tatsuhiko Miyagawa Lisa Phillips Garth Webb Rodrigo SEPULVEDA Loic Le Meur David Recordon Sarah Sosiak Adiumy Six Apart Maile Villanueva Bay Area Earthquakes Mr. Faultline Mathieu Thouvenin Stéphane Rangaya Geraldine Le Meur Beau Smith ant0ine JY Frédéric Champion Phil Jeudy Nick O'Neill Arnaud H Benjamin Trott typepad Byrne Reese Steve Calderon