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I called in straight to the Holiday Luncheon.
I forgot what day it was and I'm already at work, so I'm calling in gay to Twitter. Sorry, guys, hopefully I'll be straight again tomorrow.
@tmg2301 Huh, Louisville is sure the long way around from Shanghai.
Glad that's all done. Now, ice cream!
@leelefever Yeah, been happening to us too, since sometime Sunday. It was worst early this morning, but still comes and goes.
@MiniMonk Well, good. I thought you were being raided by sky pirates.
"A local man was shocked when his 0% credit card offer went up 2000%!" As long as we're failing basic math, why not go for 2 million %?
Parallels and Fusion are currently in some sort of death match on my MacBook. Someone remind me not to start them both simultaneously, OK?
@moxieg So, how much of a deduction did you give them for choosing PowerPoint?
Someone messed up the coffee card box and I had to fix it, again. It's the *alphabet*, people. Ever hear of it?
@tacomachickadee If one can step on one's dog while walking it, said dog is far too small.
"Wal-Mart to sell iPhone before end of year." Well, there goes the neighborhood.
@clay_bertrand First time for lots of things, I guess. Back now.
@christinaw Politos? What are those, like political burritos? Or Polish burritos?
Reading @tmg2301's interview with the school paper from last week. No obvious misquotes or made up stuff. Huh. First time for everything.
News Feed: "Crazy Tow Truck Driver" has become a fan of _The Inquisition_. Add Comment - Become a Fan - Run Away
Last one for the night: Puss in Boots Thank you. You've been a lovely audience. I'll be here all week.


Lee LeFever gsiemens John Gruber Neven Mrgan Jim Ray teh_real_chock Tony Delgrosso Elizabeth Chuck Marc L Darth Vader Amy Jane Gruber Andy Rob McNair-Huff Phil Wilson hotdogsladies Jon Deal Rafael Torres weselec Barack Obama Cable Green Scott Simpson Ben Compton Michael Porter Wil Wheaton Brett Peters Avery Edison Geoff Barnes Cabel M. Sasser Remiel Adam Lisagor Josh Donoghue John Moltz Rod Knowlton A. Shankle-Knowlton Nicole D. Annie