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@ttrygve yeah, but it's under 60,000 miles
@ttrygve it was covered under warranty. the $43 was replacing a headlight that was out
w00t. $1243 in car repairs for $43. I approve.
@mikaiyla happy birthday! I had no idea you were on Twitter.
I just nearly organized the magazines on the coffee table to my right. Pondering the one to my left. What does that say about me?
free wifi at the car dealer!
heh. "Astronomers are trying to ruin christmas. sounds like someone isn't getting the new Hubble telescope they asked for!"
@jeffschuler I still (sort-of) use brightkite. You're like the only person I know on there.
@erykoff well, I was subscribed to a bunch of different newspapers, and scads (SCADS) of blogs
In the process of removing feeds from google reader. Fifty feeds GONE!
Ruby likes to perch on my shoulder. This would not be notable, except for the fact that she is 12 pounds.
Wine tasting at Visible Voice books. Jim's doing a good job.
OK, the latest post to 538 has an auto-starting video. Google Reader just started playing audio even though it wasn't visible. Freaky.
@sdh7 ooh, that sounds delicious
@rstanek do you use gReader with the left-hand pane closed? it looks pretty similar to me that way
@ttrygve it's cleaner, and the side bar is more organized


Dave Winer Sandy John Gruber Jacqui Cheng Dean Cameron Allen Bill de hOra John Siracusa Fraser Speirs Eric A. Meyer Brent Simmons Jeff Schuler hotdogsladies Dawn Jason Snell Wii Barack Obama Duncan Davidson Gina Trapani Tim Bray Toby Remember The Milk kayhan Wil Shipley George Nemeth Jeff Atwood David Monk Brian Shaler Clay Shirky Joe Trippi Sam Harmon jeph jacques Dave Kaminski Felicia Day Mark Pilgrim Mike Hussein Lee apshai