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I see the same kids at these parties, but their dads never come. I wonder how good of a father is this guy if he's never there?
Had a kids b-day party today. At a bouncy-house place, loads of fun. Even my shy little girl got up into one of the bouncy houses.
Cool, one of our episodes was submitted to Dugg, but from legaltorrents.
Watching Spider-man 3. Who thought Topher Grace would make a good Venom? Ridonkulous!
@scottgal Same with AOL, Comcast, and XBox Live. They want to socially engineer you into NOT cancelling. Friends worked AOL call centers.
Took at nap this afternoon. Usually when I take an afternoon nap I'm up until 4AM. w00t?
Home and everyones in bed. Reviewing my chapters some more, ugh do I *know* English at all? Busy day. Blog post coming too.
@laurelatoreilly I think you may have made croissants.
Bummer, Vista can't recognize two video cards unless they use the same driver.(e.g. same card)
@bcook You can drag tabs to different windows in FireFox and Safari too. IE?
@samiq CS4, and most of Adobes products, have been overpriced for years. No wonder they don't sell well.
@bradwilson Have you tried Tully's Eggnog lattes? They don't burn their beans.
Just tore off a Chrome tab that was playing Flash video and put it on the 2nd monitor. Try that w/IE and Media Player. :P
@schwarzwald No, I haven't played with F# in any significant way yet. :(
Watching Reg Braithwaite's presentation: The sync'd slide +video is amazing.
Sprint reviews then another meeting I think. Now lunch!
@DevHawk We made tiny hamburgers for my daughter using cookie cutters.
Forgot the using statement while refactoring some code using a DataConnection. Left in a try-finally block. FT-newb.
@EmilyF I would have taken the ticket, but my wife is at her book club. Gotta stay while the little one sleeps.
@shanselman Would it be better if only the government had Uzis?


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