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Amy: “You think those PR douchebags are bad? The real seedy underbelly of Twitter is the realtors.”
Just trying to keep pace in the competitive Amazon Store landscape:
Guy Kawasaki's "How to Use Twitter Like a Jackass" article:
She’s going through the comments on Kawasaki’s “how to ruin Twitter” article, finding the ones that agree w/ him, marking them “offensive”....
Amy just keeps saying "Always be linking" over and over.
@gedeon PhoneView (Mac app, not iPhone app) will let you copy notes from and add new ones to iPhone Notes database.
@mdeatherage I *thought* it was Mickey Rooney but I didn't see his name in the credits. Anyway, yeah, he's the sauces Santa.
The Santa in these Rankin/Bass classics does all his line readings as though he's sauced. But like a happy drunk, not an angry one.
@danielpunkass From what I've heard, the new MacBooks are selling at an unprecedented pace. Insanely popular.
@jamesthomson Nothing but integers. You gotta pay for floating point.
Leon, take your break at two.
Every time an iCal alert pops up on my computer at the same instant the same alert starts beeping on my iPhone, I think I’m under attack.
@75th I can tell from the referrers when I link to an old DF article how many come from Google Reader. Answer: lots.
Now that I have slept on it, I realize my impulsive answer of "Boogie Nights" was incorrect and the correct answer is "There Will Be Blood".
@danielpunkass You are so totally wrong about the home button.
@jasonfried The closest I can think of is 7-Up, which for quite a while used the slogan “The Uncola”.
@dbergey I include the space between numbers and units because it reads more clearly.
"Dick Lugar" is a great name.


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