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@CosmicBabe Why, such an impure thought would never ever ever cross my mind! *innocent look*
@Kylanath You go right ahead with that intrigue. I'll be over here, drinking something else. :)
Yep. Definitely coming down with a cold. Not to be mistaken for getting down with a cold. I mean, c'mon. Eww.
Upgraded the Mandigo WP theme for myself and @gideon_alsierra to support the option of threaded comments. NEAT.
By the way, Wordpress admins: Note the detailed upgrade instructions and add the new keys to your wp-config file!
@betsywhim All upgrades seem to have gone smoothly. Hooray, Wordpress.
@lyse The colors are safe? Does that mean they scored a home run? (I'm not even on the GOOD cold meds and I'm already loopy...)
@lyse They put people away for money laundering, don't they...?
@chadgniffke I'm not sure if Evernote would make my life better or more complicated. Possibly both
So. WP 2.7's admin interface looks... different. I kind of like it, though.
@Kylanath For serious. (Look, it's not that we can't function in snow. It's that PORTLAND can't function in snow. This city is teh lame.)
So... I think I'm coming down sick. Just in time for the really cold weather. Um... yay? *sigh*
@betsywhim That's one of my projects for the day, too... and I have about 8 sites to update.
@lyse It's /such/ a surprising color, indeed!
My brain, 'tis fried.
@urlgirl Ouch! I know that pain only too well... it's why I pay through the nose for my server
That's both of my scheduled webinars I've had to bail on within minutes of joining. I give up.
@lyse "I can't find it." "It's in the Start menu." "I'm lazy, put it on the desktop!" *seethe* (I'm not paraphrasing. Direct quotes.)
Right on cue, one of our more annoying clients calls. Because she can't be arsed to use the Start menu. "Can you make a desktop icon?"
I'm not sure what to expect now: That the day can't get much worse, or that it WILL.


Karawynn Magdalena Donea Jak Todd Yarbrough Stacy Nayad Tom McGrath Betsy Richter Lonita Chad Gniffke Dawn Bustanoby Ben Dyer Kelly Dyer Phil Plait Melissa Lashley Anne Mason fredrin Dan Harbison Kylanath Lisa, aka Jasra Cheryl jeph jacques megatokyo tidesong Jeanne lyse Bill Barnes Halley cleolinda theloudmonkey Karen K. Lee LtPeaches Kawaii Not BluWacky Luryd gideon_alsierra