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which betty do you like, and why?
@bijan hey we should get together in sf if you have time. New deal I would like to show you
Off to take wendi to her bday dinner at her favorite spot: bistro jeanty
The news bums me out. I am going to stop watching it. business idea! "GOOD NEWS", a media site and tv series that only covers g ...
Realizing I need every death cab record
Flipping thru channels, and bam...death cab on hdnet - score
Had a good meeting with trueanthem re katy perry. Getting lunch with Jonathan in soma, then a tea with Om
I'm doing Betty ( It's gonna change the way you communicate
@Marshall canyon: did you catch the bit about his Facebook invite?
That's the only record of his I did t buy
Are we on chadr here!?
What album is that song on??
digging this universal tolerance video:
listening to gomez, eating a taco, and building le pitch
Tito, get me some tissue
bidding farewell to the VoIP I knew
@luca, couldn't have happened to a better guy. (I spake tongue and cheek)
just voted, ready for change
digging the new kings of leon record


Joanne Wan Pat ginab ArtHitch - Chris Ben Dean Luca Filigheddu David Marcus pooj preena Amanda Congdon Mark Menell bijan sabet Detlef sean o'malley howberg justinwnewton voceman johneaton2008 chrislunt dangeiger samanism Sunset Tan Calif Marshall Canyon Golf scraney jacksongates twilight_fan ROBONICS95 sdegoliia kevinhokoana THE_REAL_SHAQ jmigdal gsalemie ted_malone