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Dear Governor BJ. First, can I call you that? I can't pronounce "Blagojevich." So, what's on the agenda for today? Wanna play dice out back.
Hanging out at the Illinois State Police website because it's too cold to go there! Rod R. Blagojevich, Governor.
Silly me. I thought that I could go to http://www.pattiblagojevich... for some real estate tips or perhaps some eloquence lessons. Whoops.
Thanks for the Vista Updates, Microsoft. You could not have forced a restart of my computer at a more ideal time. Plurk (angry) smiley here!
When I left the house this morning, I remembered that I not only forgot the milk, I left the stove on, the toilet flushing and Twitter idle.
Amazed how much better the results seem to be with Twitter Search than Google, until I got, "the proxy server could not handle the request."
Dear Twitterspammers: Having a name like "massive cash generator" isn't going to fool me. I have enough cash. I'm in the newspaper business.
@ManFmNantucket good point. That reminds me... I once knew a man from Nantucket, but I'll bet you hear that a lot. Ugh... I has $2 headache!
Why did I give Charles Shaw another chance? The 2008 vintage label should have been the tip-off, as well as the $1.99 price tag. Super yuck!
Would I really want to register a ".ly" domain when The Great Socialist People’s Libyan Arab Jamahiriya gets the money? What's up with that?...
Finally, I have some new Twitterbuds who aren't spammers. That's refreshing. If things continue like this, I may dance.
O.J.'s defense attorneys are trying to make us suffer & serve out the pending sentence with Mr. Simpson by drawing this out forever. Appeal.
Has the O.J. cam feed here. Remember watching the O.J. Simpson sentencing once before? Is this another deja-vu? We'll see.
Hmm... I've discovered comedienne/actress Amy Gordon. Odd, yet slightly entertaining. Not suitable for young children. Google is my friend.
For those who don't follow @TechCrunch, I do and I'm hip to the new 3D Chat Club Cooee. there are still invites left!
Saw Dr. Cara on Fox11 and now following @momlogic. Apparently, I'll need to modify my behavior and stay out of the t00bs at Chuck E. Cheese.
Live video feed from Fox11LA of Strip Club Fire 75 fire trucks on scene. I'm on my way to save the strippers!
Breaking News: West Hollywood strip club The Body Shop is on FIRE now. More news as it develops. LA County Fire on scene. Sunset Bl. Closed.
@Marti_L, yes I have seen that. I'm a big fan of Those l'il Rabbits. They make me laugh out loud.
The thing I like about YouTube is all the videos. Okay... I'm kidding! I like searching for stuff only to find WONDERFUL.


Wayne Sutton Chris MacDonald Paul Terry Walhus Robert Occhialini Martin Hall Antonio Edward thomasknoll (jeff)isageek Jason Calacanis Kelly Cookson Craig mdy Jennifer Woodard M Chaitanya Sagar David Parmet Justine ColeSmietana Dante Optical Rich Nicabar Nimble Chris Brogan Graham English Chris Wilson Kevin Kennedy-Spaien Whitney Hoffman Bill Palmer Dave LaMorte Michael Bailey Jay Moonah Robert French Doug Haslam Jim Long Jeanne Cole Teressa Flye marianne richmond Philip Campbell
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