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Who's going to the KC meetup/Tweetup tonight?
@TheDLC Bite your tongue!
@cagey I had a cat named Boo Boo Kitty when I was nine.
@bucksommerkamp It might be a little too far in the past for my younger sister.
Great kitten name ideas! Keep 'em coming.
@bartenderswife Good one! It would be easy to just refer to them collectively as the Blue Brothers.
Derek (Zoolander) and Hansel...Calvin and Hobbes...Riggs and Murtaugh...Dr. Johnny Fever and Venus Flytrap...Harold and Kumar
My sister needs name for 2 male kittens. Help think of classic buddy comedy pairs. She's thinking Starsky & Hutch. Any other ideas?
@2012ad Getting a 404 error with that link.
Almost have my work wrapped up for the day. Message to myself: VACATION - UR DOING IT WRONG.
@2012ad Velvet was the first to get it last year and gave it to all of them eventually. I won't be surprised if it happens again.
@2012ad Velvet: upper respiratory infection. Velcro: throwing up. So far Xena and Trillian seem okay (although Trillian's been sneezing...)
Cats keep getting sick one by one. At this rate, by the end of the week, I'll probably be giving all 4 a daily pill.
@zamees 18 and Life, man. Best song evar! Okay, maybe not.
Guitar tracks being recorded in the next room. It's not affecting my ability to do my social media reporting, though.
Fortified with a breakfast sandwich and coffee (I know, I know) from Einstein Bros. Ready to take on the world...or at least my home office.
It's the first day of my vacation and I've been working for an hour an a half already. I'm not good at this whole "vacation" thing.
Ready to lie down and stay there. Goodnight!


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