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@jsmooth995 hey Jay, love your videos. Keep it up :)
check out my tweet cloud, it's pretty funny @whitneyhess gets a mention
RT @Scobleizer: Tumblr's lead dev says I don't know what I'm talking about. Details at
@chrischerrett yea it's nice but I had to hard rebot my whole computer :(
Why did screenflow just freeze my whole computer?
At the autobody shop to get a new mirror. I'm hungry and already running behind sched for the day
ok I know it is warm outside..but I really need to it be sunny
if you were wondering what plugin I was testing here it is
tweeting this link to test out a wordpress plugin
@ianmaffett to add the @pleasedressme widget go to the widgets section under appearance choose a text or html widget plug in the html code
falling in love with wordpress all over again
what a great speach by Steve Jobs. Perfect to help us all hold our heads high in these economic times
does anyone have any experience building wordpress child themes?
@mickeyglitter I think it is in the options for the widget
does anyone else remember this?
Trying to remember what I needed to do
@smartypantsgrp yes tweetdeck lets you make groups but I want a widget for a blog
@tonybgoode that sounds like a good idea
does anyone know of a way to combine multiple twitter feeds into one stream that can be embedded on a blog?


Paul Terry Walhus Aaron Gotwalt Matt Cutler Tom Limongello Brett Petersel Jason Calacanis Justine Alex Hillman Dean Landsman Chris Brogan drew olanoff Veronica Belmont Philip Campbell Colin Devroe Nater Kane  C.C. Chapman Howard Greenstein Robert Scoble photomatt Tom Guarriello Nichelle Starbucks Coffee Natalie Yan Pritzker Dan Lurie Jeff O'Hara CenterNetworks Sarah Austin Tamar Weinberg Nate Westheimer Julia Roy Kevin Rose Chelsea Moser Rob Blatt michael, excalipoor
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