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@JohnCleese We've been through worse, this too shall pass.
@shortyawards I nominate @mljlive for #business because he doesn't come across as a used car salesman
@mljlive Lenovo IdeaPad S10, then I'll slap a large custom Hello, My Name is Chris sticker on the case so I can market while I drink coffee.
@shortyawards I nominate @zeldman for #design because he inspired me to be a web developer 11+ years ago
@shortyawards I want to re-nominate @capnsmackers in #business because your awards are worthless if you'll even rig the nominations
@shortyawards I want to nominate @capnsmackers in #business because it would be funny if a dead dog beat Guy Kawasaki
Yay! The Snorks Breakdancing Christmas with Menudo is on tonight!
Benny Hill Predator -
I think Fargo may be my favorite Christmas movie, really gets me in the spirit.
@shortyawards I nominate @zeldman for a Shorty Award in #humor because I need to be hit over the head with a brick
@ElectronicArt mail the pass and I can have new blog posts automatically get posted to twitter
@shortyawards I nominate @freedomcenter for a Shorty Award in #nonprofits because they are trying to help but a stop to human trafficking
Deciding what to do with my leap second this year -
I really like the new Wordpress 2.7, the new admin UI is very nice. Will be rolling out upgrades to all my WP installs in the next 10 days.
@KristaNeher I took the MegaBus to and from An Event Apart Chicago. The trip to was crowded and late, but only 6 people on the way back.
Do you hate the Caps Lock key? This page tells you how to turn it into a mute button instead:
Nobel Prize winning economist posts lolcat:
Inside info on the Tribune meltdown: greed, not declining readership - &


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