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Reading: "Op-Ed Columnist - The Great Unraveling -" ( )
@girlinthecafe If you like suspenseful thrillers you will definitely enjoy Dead Again.
@girlinthecafe Have you ever seen him in the film Dead Again? It is such a good one.
Time to call it a night since I have so much to do tomorrow. Till tomorrow.
Just discovered a favorite author of mine @paulocoelho is on twitter!
Found out today that my daughters will definitely be over for a week in Jan. Quite thrilled to have some good news for a change.
@Pandora_Kevin Had actually heard of Josh Fix but hadn't heard his music yet. Thanks for the recommendation!
@julieterry He's doing just fine thanks!
@notlameguy I can imagine how massive your collection of music is.
@digiphile Envious of your hazelnut coffee. I have bags of hazelnut coffee sent here via relatives.
@brlittle It was either a bottle of Polish cherry vodka or a toffee flavored liqueur. The vodka intrigued me so it's also for me. :D
Purchased a bottle of Polish cherry vodka for husband. Hope it is as good as it sounds.
Despite a bad year my top 2008 CD list will probably include mostly upbeat music. I am basically an optimist despite whatever comes my way
It will be difficult to whittle down the list for my top 20 CDs of the year.
Husband is busy scanning photos of his Mom for a collage. Funeral will be 2 days before Christmas. I'm drinking sambuca
Reading: "Alltop - Top Most Popular News" ( )
Just catching up on what I have missed on Twitter today. Sick yesterday with what I think was food poisoning. Ok now thank God.
@Boneygirl2 Thanks so very much.


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