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In Mexico, when someone gets punched on the old Batman series, MOCOS! and MADRES! pop up on the screen instead of POW! or BAM!
Lexica on the G1 rocks my world. I don't remember the last time I was this addicted to a game.
Baking chocolate chunk walnut cookies.
Making a mushroom (2 kinds) and cheese (3 kinds) strudel.
@mthomps Use your jujutsu!
@mthomps Maybe you shouldn't keep your lethal sharps hidden there anymore.
@cecilmenk BTW I'd pay to see an ass eating with those two. On a related note, TI is on SNL right now.
@cecilmenk In Mexico, they call that an ass whoopin'.
Having a little late afternoon Nigori at Azia. I can't believe it's this dark late afternoon.
Happy birthday @jillian! We've been waiting for you on the other side of 30. Muah-ha-ahh.
@reetsyburger Quang noodle soup FTW. (Plus, Polish pastries from Kramarczuk's for good measure.)
Happy Repeal Day, everyone! Get drunk tonight. It's only patriotic.
Have plague. Send soup. (Preferably Thai.)
@wilw I thought it was Wednesday all day up until about 4:00pm. Not cool when that's your weekly writing deadline day.
@cecilmenk Yes. I'm glad somebody has their head on straight around here.
Head cold has reached excessive sneezing stage. Chilled sake is good for colds, no?
Feck. Not even a week in and my G1 is buggin'. Having the much-blogged POP3 mail connection problem. No point in having it without my email.
@tfly Ohgodstop. I can't f'ing stand Rihanna and it all started with that song. Her voice is so bad she has to sample other people singing.


Chuck Olsen Rex Sorgatz Aaron Sailor Martin reetsyburger Danielle Lenae Rachel Kramer Bussel Marrina taulpaul Jillian Kyle Matteson Greg Swan Erica Mauter Wil Wheaton Connie Julio Ojeda-Zapata dahli Dave Loomer Courtney Remes Barb G Jessica Jenny Peters Nate Kadlac Mark Pritchard Jason DeRusha _taylor_ edacherry Andrea Swensson John Fillman jcarrier Jeremy Q Afterglide acbruhaha aliecat David de Young mthomps J. Michael Ward