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my friend Lewis has the world's plainest website, He added google/friendconnect to it today as a joke. I just joined.
@mikecane Thanks Mike. You know me so well. - A study of Facebook avatars finds that users w/ smailing avatars are 'friended' by more than non-smilers.
@gaberivera I am glad you noticed my blogs' timeout issues. I noticed it too. I'm replacing our algorithims with a baseball bat today.
@brianstelter Can you point to an example or explanation of Times Extra. Sounds like a great example of some 'link journalism'
RT @brianstelter: Times Extra has debuted on -- a service adds links to competing news stories and blogs. - Kudos
Very important breaking news - Reporter who said Obama has Zune admits he could have been wrong -
I'm considering using a baseball bat to address a server problem. Fortunately, the server is in another city.
@Joi What? You just got married? Congratulations. Can't wait to hear more.
@samharrelson @ChathleenRitt - Please don't ReTweet this and start a 'meme' about how @samharrelson hates the terms retweeting and meme.
@gaberivera - Your algorithm loved me more than your new editor does.
Retwitting this from @samharrelson - "retweeting"has replaced "memes" as the douchebaggiest descriptor/action in the geek lexicon. ; )
I typically eschew 'sounds of the season' music until Xmas eve. This year, I'm already going 24/7 to encourage lots of cheer.
@jaxn - Thanks for your Christmas Music that doesn't Suck Pandora playlist.
My 2¢ blog post about @gaberivers 's blog post - " @Techmeme ’s algorithm now ‘officially’ includes an elf" -
@smallbiztrends That 'Google Gears Down' headline confused me -
@fredwilson Another way Twitter is like a single malt scotch is that it can be addictive once you acquire the taste.
However, I do think my tweets have a southern accent.
@mat I also am told "You don't sound like you grew up in Ala." and likewise, I don't know if it's a compliment or insult.
@ColeH - I hear the Cowboy's have reinstated your favorite player.


Biz Stone Evan Williams rabble kellan Dunstan Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest Chris Wetherell veen Hugh Roper danah boyd Mary Hodder Eric Costello Jason Cosper Wayne Sutton Ross Gordon Mack D. Male om Gavin Dave McClure Nick Douglas peterme Paul Thrasher enoch choi Michael Parekh Daniel Jeff Bonforte Scott Beale Chip Hayner President Monteiro Myles Josh Bancroft Brian Brown (jeff)isageek Michael Buffington
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