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Note to self: stop trying to cut your own bangs. Seriously. It never ends well.
really hopes Jason makes it home before the bad weather hits.
thinks its great my mom is on facebook. go mom!
pictures went ok. Madeline was definitely not impressed with the photographer & her funny noises.
is taking Madeline for her first real portrait's hoping we can get her to smile.
@bluishorange - you are such a rebel. can't wait to see pictures of your purple hair! :)
is trying to convince Madeline that it really is still time to sleep. She's not buying it.
gray sunday = sleepy karen.
wow, totally up past my bedtime at 10.30pm. *yawn* fun party tonight!
is cooking for a holiday party tonight. mmmn, yams.
enjoyed a nice lunch at Panera with Jason & Madeline. Day is definitely looking up.
woke up with killer headache. amazingly enough, Madeline doesn't care. She still wants her bottle NOW, thank you very much.
really wishes babies came with snooze buttons.
finally got my nephew's gifts all wrapped & boxed up. hoping to mail it off to Germany tomorrow!
mmn. had pancakes for breakfast. thanks, Jason!
@critic - seriously? no choice. I'm still in my pj's too... :)
got the Christmas tree put up today. It's starting to look a lot like Christmas
@cybertoad - good luck! I'm sure you'll make it thru. :)
up early to drop off mom & dad at the airport. sad they're headed home, but glad we had a good visit!


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