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@sitakatherine since you're doing cookies I'm going to bring velveeta dip yum
just discovered you can buy and download sims2 expansions. i love instant gratification!
thanksgiving dinner is done, family gone. arrested development marathon is on. thankful for my couch!
gave my husband his bday present early. it made him smile, so i'm super happy! :D
i made a puny no-bake pie. the rest of the cooking is left to my husband while i work. he's a good man. i'm thankful.
off to Panera for sci-fi meetup! woo!
coffee and a cheese sammich for breakfast. yum!
@babyjack *insert orange/redheaded joke here* and then look extra cute so your momma doesn't beat me!
ouch, my head
i hope this week goes by fast
Kicked ass at work today. Now off to target to (hopefully) finish festivus shopping
twitter is great. i can totally track my work time based on tweet updates. :P
awake, working, freezing - all before 6:30!
installing TypePad connect on my Movable Type weblog before work. geek much?
i feel very lonely today
trying out zenbe. and working. yes, working!
Watching Tropic Thunder and trying to finish another scarf


gary ryan Michael Sippey erikarenee Meredith   christine Walt Dickinson reb Melanie rachel m rabi Anil Dash C Jen jish Darth Vader Brad Fitzpatrick Chris Baskind nerdgirl Lisa Phillips Aubrey Twitter Six Apart Barack Obama Chris Ernest Hall Ann Glenn Jamey Dee Kymberlie R. McGuire Lighter Footstep IconBuffet Byrne Reese Carla Lilia Photography Kelly Knights Shelley Brian J Best Rude Cactus