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Tempted to just leave the house instead of cleaning up and doing laundry. Oh yah, got to take a shower, too. Eh. I guess I'll act grown up.
Ice skating at the Embarcadero w/ PookaMagoo, Andrey, Conor, and Alan. Fun!
Megan passed her driving test! Now I have a legal driving teenager. Uh-oh.
At the DMV, waiting for Megan to finish her driving test. Exciting!
At Pooka's school for their Xmas concert and it's standing room only outside the multipurpose room. crap.
Sitting in the car at SF State, waiting to take a final exam. Damn i'm sleepy.
Today's going to be busy and messy. My body is so tired. I'm not sick but I haven't been myself lately. I think I may be possessed.
@shaderlab Yes, it was quite lovely this morning. Drove over the San Mateo bridge a little after 6 and pinkorange was spilling over the sky.
I listen to Switchfoot when I need to feel more hopeful and inspired
Shit, shit, shit, it's cold!
There are just some people I miss so much even though I haven't known them for long and haven't even seen in years...Funny how friendship IS
At a small party at Kim's and I coughed and spit up my wine, cheese, and crackers all over Trish's back. Geez. Sorry Trish!
Cleaning up home. Hopefully this will help my current state of affairs.
Off to the beach on this sunny day!!!
At Fort Mason in San Francisco since 8am for a Peer Resources conference for middle school kids.
Had another great talk with my dad over the phone earlier. I love making him laugh. It didn't always use to be this way. I miss my daddy :(
It's sooo cold I just want to hibernate until New Year's Eve!
Oh god. Ate too much for lunch though Conor says I barely ate anything. Owee, my tum-tum really hurts. And of course, I'm now sleepy, too.
I fucking hate it when people are purposely being difficult! They should be clobbered with 30 oranges and made to eat 10 Vietnamese peppers!
I'm too curvy right now to live a straight life. Maybe later.


Evan Williams Maggie Mason Prashanth Nick Douglas debs aa Dav Yaginuma miz_ginevra Anil Dash Mie Yaginuma Jay Allen Ryan Carver Erin Brad Fitzpatrick Alaina Tatsuhiko Miyagawa Lisa Phillips Garth Webb yann David Recordon krissy t Six Apart Beau Smith Henry Lyne Brian McNitt Lilia Photography Amit Shah Dooce Nathan Parrish Randy Reddig paultran888 Michelle Kearns Caroline