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Feeling a little bit better, ordering pizza and cleaning my house which could be declared in a state of emergency
still sick, nothing new there. just got magz and rachel's gift. Hoping it they will make it to them in time!
Have to go get ALy from preschool, it is pouring out though. Yuck
amazingly snowy in southern california
working at home for a few hours before I get aly. no voice at all, this ought to be interesting with a 3 year old.
the owner of the company is sending me home, Thank the Lord. I will work from there between sleeping.
ugh. would love to say I feel better but I feel so terrible I could cry. I can't not work this week so I am just trying not to wallow.
(cont) much has left me extremely ill. Cant even talk at this point, my head is a mess, and I woke up several times last night w/throat pain
I hate being on the blunt end of the "I told you so" stick. Though they are too nice to say it, @sims2 & @ffluvssg1 deserve to. Working so
took cold medicine, now waiting for Aly to go to bed so I may slip into oblivion
it is very cold (for here) an pouring down rain. We So Cal peeps do not do so well in the rain and cold. **Sneeze**
@robrff I feel sad when it ends too. weird, huh?
(c0nt) so I need to push through it and get the job done. I DO have 4 1/2 days off for Christmas. :}
I relaxed I feel worse. My throat is on fire and my body refuses to cooperate. This is my last full work week before go live
aly is decorating a rice krispy treat house, so cute
I am trying to relax today, will do some work after Aly is in bed...but taking it easy until then
I am at work, but I still feel terrible. My head hurts and my throat hurts. Consultants are here today though. :(
I am listening to @sims2 & @ffluvssg1, I am gonna watch Survivor and then sleep. I will catch up on the work this weekend. Throat still sore
I think my body rebelled against the 80 hours worked in the last week.Came home today & slept for5 hours. now to catch up on the missed work
i really do not feel good at all. head hurts, throat hurts, and body hurts. Not good.


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