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I'm not sure who decided people with sinus infections should hang upside down to insert nose drops, but if I meet them I'll kill them.
@zutaloo I'm not sure: I vote for morphophonology.
@psythor Al differentiates between "logic" and "girl logic" (where everything is illogical). I have to agree with him, to be honest...
Interesting that Homebase are passing on the VAT cut already but Argos aren't. Not that I'm researching anything as dull as handheld vacuums
Uninstalling pretty much everything I won't need before the end of the semester to help my laptop get through until then. DO NOT DIE.
I suspect that the Prof got his cat to scan this book chapter set for reading. For a cat, it's a great scan job. For a man, however...
I'm becoming very passionate about a 10% leeway in an essay wordcount, because those extra 200 words would mean a lot.
Caffeine nap sort of worked. Just need to get going on the mental block that is uni work...
Facepain. Back to the doctor for me this morning, although I can't begin to express the extent to which I'd really rather not. :(
Also, if Chomsky/Fitch/Hauser and Jackendoff/Pinker could stop arguing, it would save SO much paper and time. I'm just saying.
Trees, I am so sorry. I swear that one day I'll learn to read journal articles on screen, but in the meantime I need paper and highlighters.
Would seriously like the UK to adopt thanksgiving. Nice food, some time off uni AND we'd still get Christmas? Yes please.
I had tentatively hoped that the antibiotics had worked, but first day without them and ow... Sinus fail.
The name nazi is showing me his wrinkled plums.
Bored of ape language, apes in general, statistics, phonology, phonetics, aphasia and words. It's a bad day to be a linguistics student.
I held a tarantula today. Repeatedly. Only had one minor(ish) freakout. All praise the incredibly patient woman at butterfly world!
@Psythor I know the feeling - I've only written science-type reports all semester, so the essay I'm writing right now is... stilted.
Personally, if I were a mouse I wouldn't go to the bother of climbing two flights of stairs to get into a flat, I'd just go ground floor.
Not-so-fun thoughts in a dark bathroom at 7.45am: "What did I just kick? AND WHY IS IT MOVING??" Turns out that the hamster can escape...
@zutaloo In a month I have three huge deadlines, three exams and two websites to launch. I am thinking hiding may be the solution. Join me?


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