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just got home from work, I'm really glad to be here
If it stays like this (which it won't) the lake could freeze by Christmas!
It's so cold that there are massive clouds of steam above the lake right now.
Thankfully, it's nice and toasty in our little cottage/office this morning. It's bitterly cold outside this morning.
Good morning tweeters. I hope it's warmer where you are than it is around here
I put up some mini lights in the living room window and has the big garland up. It's a start. The tree will have to wait a few days.
with Mark's help, the boxes of Christmas decorations were schleped upstairs this afternoon.
I'm a smidgen jealous of his ability to sleep amidst the chaos
Mark is sleeping through most of this
up early with the dogs. They are outside frolicking in the snow and I'm waiting for coffee
good morning
At costco for part one of our 3 part shopping adventure. Jealous yet?
got back from my first meeting, just in time for a second meeting. It's now over and I'm meeting free for the rest of the day!!
Offsite just now. Waiting for a meeting to start
yesterday was pretty productive, albeit exhausting. Hopefully today will be just as productive without being tiring!
good morning!
I think warm pjs and lotsa blankets might thaw me out. 'night kiddos!
I think my bones are cold. Can my bones be literally cold?
at least that's my excuse this morning


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