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Decided I'm not sending cards this year. Yes, they're already made but I'm just too knackered from back pain. Somethings gotta give.
Brayden is looking better, still not moving around much but fever is dropping. Poor kid.
@SurlyJason "ominous darkness" is a very apt description. I looked out our window & wondered what happened to the light. Snow coming?
@ddwhitt I've DMed you twice now and they haven't shown up in my sent file. Some glitch I think. My email: nicole maki at mac dot com
Made a pirate card. Grey is a very fun color scheme to work in. Too many pirate girls look christmasy and too clean.
We finally got our christmas tree up. Skipped all our coordinating ornaments this year and hung up sentimental odds and ends instead. Nice.
Editing for Chris.
I love Spicy V-8 in all it's high sodium glory. Yummy!
@Betka I'll email you the snow effect for your blog. My back swelled and I gained 6lbs. It unswelled, I weighed 6lbs less. In one day.
Just made falafel. It's resting in the fridge and I'm going to fry it up later.
Just discovered that the swelling in my back weighs about six pounds. That's the sort of thing that I think is cool to know.
Met my honey fourteen years ago today. I'm a lucky, lucky girl. Only 8 weeks to birthday/anniversary/birthday trip to Disneyland!
@SondaT Congrats on getting your kits packed. I bet that is an enormous job.
@SurlyJason Thanks for the link. I'm so psyched about T4 - it looks like a fun movie and I'm a big fan of Christian Bale (Laurie)
@maryc49 Good luck at the allergist today - last time I saw an allergist we had to change states. LOL. Reading with 3rd graders- how cool!
Avery dropped the sprayer in the sink. When it started spraying the whole kitchen he ran away. How many times has that happened this year :)
I really don't want to do school today. Does that make me a bad homeschooling mom? We'll start with math and reading and see where we get.
Debating the cost to awesomeness ratio for Sweet and Sara's vegan marshmallows. Might purchase some for our birthdays.
Good heavens! Why doesn't spotlight work for me, ever??? My 2 most used files, recipes and submissions, are no where to be found.
Anyone read Tales of Beedle the Bard? Do you recommend it? It's pretty thin


John Edwards Joshua Green Allen Barack Obama NY Times: Movies fake chuck norris Photojojo Dooce Laura Vicki LaFleur Pete Wright NaNoWriMo grrlpup fourgates Hollie Butler Chris Maki sanguinity Jason Bellows Melyssa Betty Ann Maki planetcatbooks Shannan Powell scrappyfran elana's pantry diablocody Jen texasknights czdesign twhitney Claudine Hellmuth justjohanna aliedwards minnemom maryc49 Whole Foods Market Hilarye Fuller bdudney