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almost time for the jailbreak
@clvoigt can u record w/ uStream? sure we export an upload that way somehow
@clvoigt when is your preso? able 2 capture audio or it?
@clvoigt yeah i checked my other proposal and i dont see anything either. crossing fingers that we r just to low on alphabet, not to S or V
@paulrwood @paulrwood u have PO 4 that schedule. not sure how 2 duplicate
@clvoigt he slept good 4 1st part of night. 2nd have woke up once.
@paulrwood faculty probably confused, actually have 2 find your office for assistance.
@paulrwood i'm not, but i appreciate u looking out. brought my own coffee b/c hospital coffee is half water. worse than decaf
@paulrwood oh i reloaded on coffee @ house. had 2 check on dog. extra blog 2nit. tons of emails since Friday. plenty 2 read.
@paulrwood thx. dylan finally ate well, so she's more at ease. i promised 2 stay awake so she would feel better about sleeping.
@mcarls watched the Jimmy V speech over the weekend. seen it 30-50 times w/out exageration. gets me everytime
angela finally trying to sleep. dylan sucking thumb and doing same. sounds of rain on the stereo in room. just enough to make me wanna work
@dlaufenberg congrats on being done w/ induction.
@mradkins @woscholar and @mikegras use google apps. check w/ them
@MikeGras did they ask if they could?
@jimohagan got tweet from PBS Newshour that said blagojevich got arrested
@jimohagan what! where did u hear this news. guessing it is on Combat News Network aka CNN


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