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nifty. Just set up my first SVN repository.
Getting ready to push it real good. A new @Viewzi build that is.
Listening to Sleep/Sleep's Holy Mountain. Epic stoner metal. Makes me sleepy though.
I'm remoting into a Mac Mini and using Windows XP via VMWare. I'm pretty sure I just opened up a worm hole somewhere in the universe.
I'm an enormous fan of Flickr's photo stream embed widget:
sometimes Coda feels like a toy. Just sayin
Hitler rants about the $8,000 Nikon D3x:
There is a monster in your parasol.
is getting hated on by some JS event listeners.
Silverchair/Hot in the Shade just made me think of @iamaaronmartin
Interesting, Opera represents .92% of my traffic. I think that Opera bug can wait.
@garrettdimon just melts my brain sometimes. He's the real deal.
Anyone out there know how to target Opera-only for some CSS fix0rs?
Wondering if little Askins will make an appearance this week. Getting really anxious for @dustinaskins
Thanks everyone for the kind words. Really feeling good about the redesign.
I redesigned: I'd love it if you stopped by.
has anyone had a problem where .container_12 in won't center in IE7??? WTF.
Having SVN troubles? Fear not, Merge-Boy has arrived:
Upgrading to WordPress 2.7 RC1


Jeff Corkran Josh Williams Snook Adam Keys Garrett Dimon Brendon Michael Montgomery Jason Alexander Chris J. Davis giovanni Chris Griego Kraemer Alex Bischoff Natalie Chris Merritt Jared Christensen Jeremy Johnson Nathan Smith Jeff Adams Stephen Anderson Ken Starzer Erica Douglass Christian Bradford Chuck Mallott Darth Vader Carolyn Wood Jay Dustin Askins cone johnson Chris Williams Josh Dura Keegan Jones T. Scott Stromberg Dave Gillem Alex Morse Heather Terrell