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<up periscope>Long days, long nights this week<down periscope>
@cassiurban OMG - so, what is causing the pollution near the school?
Wall-E on The Simpsons!
Anyone have a great tip for editing a spreadsheet from my iPhone?
Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...But drive safely!
Supper at Red Robin, West Chester.
Long week almost over!
Very late night at work last night/this morning, and hopefully almost done with a long day today...shall it be a Pinot Noir, or a Cabernet?
@cassiurban A thesis, huh? Hmmm...maybe on the effects of procrastination? I could give you lots of test cases from my past! :)
In the middle of a LONG day at work...
Late night working...Zzzzzzzz...
@utech That's what I hear...I just hope I don't have to find out too soon!
@BarbaraKB Thanks! Yep, I'm hanging on for now, for better, or for worse...
Just found out that two of my co-workers were let go as of today...Happy Holidays...
A Christmas cup of coffee (misplaced modifier? Nope!)
@zaphodd You're very welcome! (and me, too!)
Loving the Pandora Christmas stations, took me awhile to find how to add them!
@cassiurban IDK, but I think anyone who is old enough to be a to old to still be "nursing"...GROAN #2...
RT @kate_the_great: Inventive teacher sells ad space on test to compensate for funding cut. Pretty creative!!!


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