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Marginally better day today, helped immensely by an unexpected business deal. Now we just. need. to. deliver.
I have so much to do that I can't focus on anything and I've come out in a rash due to moving-house stress. Fuck and arse.
is half moving house today. Out today and in, in 2 weeks time. I'm sofa surfin until then
@orbific - I'm surprised you get a letter anymore; I had to prove my residence via bills from utilities all of whom no longer send post
@orbific - currently it certainly isn't anything digitally signed. Trust needs to work institutionally and personally; any common ground?
The creeping loss of trust: major utility providers previously trusted by others to prove your identity now aren't; no printed statements
Cat in cattery next week but cat needs jabs updating so I need to go to storage unit so I can get the cat basket so cat can go to vets. Gah!
Yearbooking myself in the 60s
@ victoriajane sounds good but I was thinking further afield than UK!
We're homeless for 2 weeks from Oct 17 - Oct 31 where should we holiday? 3 yr old & 12 week old must come too!
Love this, just heard it on TV and had to find out what the track was ♫
Can haz tickets for The Tiger Who Came to Tea
Sold! In your face market downturn and general financial horribleness. House renting here we come ✌
@flickertracks good luck! While you're there can you set the balance of my mortgage to 0 ;)
@yandle - is Prism for OS X as far as I can tell
Cocking power laptop power supply! I left mine at work and just had to cycle back and get it. Bastard!
Pissed off that Frankie Boyle has sold out at Brighton Comedy Festival. Laughing at titles for site registration
@flickertracks - crikey! When are you off, or are you already there?
Has shot Delphi 7 in the face and is getting all Flex on its ass


Jonathan Markwell Rod Begbie Matt Jones Thomas Vander Wal Robert Brook Curtis James Nick Tong ribot danhon Emily Chang Jeremy Keith spaceboy Ian Forrester russell Tantek Çelik James Darling Norm! David Stone Natalie ChrisH Yoz Josh Russell Simon Willison Tom Coates Matt Biddulph Jim Callender Bobbie Johnson Paul Hammond Rob Bevan Matt Webb Frances Paul Downey Ryan Alexander Otu Ekanem Christian Heilmann Mike Butcher
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