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RT @JasonCalacanis: apparently this yelle song is the big thing...
My album of 2008 is easily Ro Sham Bo by The Grays. It came out in 1994, no-one's heard of it and it's mind-blowingly excellent and fresh.
Going to rustle up a pack of 8p noodles. Good preparation for when the world goes tits up.
@maddox: Whoa, that really is mindblowing. I had to play an episode on YouTube to check!
Why you see "Free Public Wi-fi" ad-hoc networks everywhere.. (Hint: It's Microsoft's fault.)
Seems pointless leaving savings in the bank with these interest rates. Might be driven to invest into my own projects ;-)
@kamal_fariz: Heh, get ready.. Rails 2.3 already has a backwards-incompatible change ;-)
@deefolt: Oh, I was making a quip re "deefolt" sounds like "default" ;-) An OR is the Official Receiver - see
@PeterSantilli: You're damned if you do - damned if you don't. Heavy saving would bring big problems of its own - deflation, mainly.
@deefolt: I feel for ya - make sure you get on the OR's list of creditors ASAP! Wouldn't use the name "deefolt" in that case tho.. ;-)
@ruby_gem: I don't know it, but I wouldn't be surprised! Heck, that's probably what it'll be like anyway, minus the cameras :)
@monkeyhelpr: Yeah, it's Simcity 2000. Will probably update soon though as people have complained it's too big and slow to load, lol :)
Newsflash: Graham Norton replaces Terry Wogan as commentator of the Eurovision Song Contest. 2008 was the last time I watched that then..
Laura's court case later today. They should just use lie detectors like on the Jeremy Kyle show.
@sjamesu: Or Mars Bars. You'll need something to eat when all the supermarkets go tits up :-P
US bank Citigroup predicts world will "unravel" over economy in 2009 - potential nuclear wars, etc: .. cheerful gits!
@alistair: I take it you're on holiday in a far away country? That's not the UK I know :-D
@Undeleterious: I seem to recall he got referred similarly in Ghost World at some point.. :)
Trivia: Between 1998 and 2006, only two police officers were fatally shot in the UK.


Rael Dornfest Jason Calacanis Derek Powazek Pat Robert Brook Alan Bradburne Deepak Jois Larry Wright Lachlan Hardy Geoffrey Grosenbach Philip Campbell Mark Bao Drew McLellan Karen O'Brien Andrew Disley Dave Verwer  C.C. Chapman Alistair MacDonald Deb Bassett Stubbs Bruce Williams Jonathan Conway Hugh MacLeod AntonioGould CenterNetworks Luke Redpath Jamie van Dyke Andy Polaine alexis richardson Jonathan George Jess McMullin Jason Torres Dan Grigsby Matt Wood Sam Aaron BryanL The Rubyist
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