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My rooms and I have been vindicated (by BBC and Clive James) "The brilliance of creative chaos"
Retweeting @sergiotovar: Carolina wins its 19th NCAA national championship with an absolutely incredible goal by Casey Nogueira
ITunes Genius can't make a list based on "Hooray for Santy Claus" by Senior T!
@acarvin You can get it here The Birch story was the odd man out. The Boyle section mistitled as "Patently Wrong"
@acarvin Interesting set of stories: twitter and Mumbai, the new hacker, terms of service, Boyle on public domain, John Birch Society.
Crap! how did I manage to miss Paul Muldoon's poetry reading at Duke on Thursday (and his band Rackett the same night)?
Dare I admit it: I wish Duke had beaten Michigan?
@underoak @saragregory Speaking of @chimprawk, you need Freedom! His solution to Twitter/Gmail/Fbook pwnage of your life
@saragregory Fear not! I often got the same criticism, but as a poet I was asking "how many syllables?"
Religious (almost) Kischmas in the UK A seasonal delight!
Http:// twitter and Mumbai, the new hacker, terms of service, Boyle on public domain, John Birch Society. Which one etc
On The Media at dawn today, Twitter and Mumbai, Jamie Boyle on Public Domain and one other coolio topic. I need da link, tweeple hep me!
Yes I own a copy of Santa Claus Conquers the Martians (featuring Pia Zadora) & I don't see how MST3K can make it funnier
@chimprawk @oombrella: technically, tweeting means you're not doing work I like how the volume of tweets vs work asymptotically approaches 0
RT @chimprawk's Law: General principle of Twitter productivity = {1/Twitters about x} where x is the work you're saying you're doing.
@Camilla22 video part of it and put it on youtube so's we can see it
@ryanbeckwith hmm what;s that hash code to be projected? are they using monitter?
@lessig No, cabbies think even worse of you; they see that you are a lawyer!
If journos are curators, are curators then journos?


Biz Stone danah boyd Xeni Jardin Wayne Sutton Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Michael Parekh Brian Landau Thomas Vander Wal George Brett Elliott Ng Abby Brian Russell Ruby Sinreich Jackson Fox Edward Vielmetti Paul Hyland Habib Karen O'Brien Ryan Carson Robert Cadena jason moore Jim Ray Anil Dash Kevin Gamble THE_REAL_DIMAMBRO Beth Raney jimbo wales bryan kennedy David Millsaps Frank Arrigo Sarah Austin jessamyn west Kevin Sonney Robert Peterson Fred Stutzman
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