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Our minister read this beautiful meditation on spiritual aspects of winter.Richard Gilbert's"The Nourishing Dark"
Ladies & gentlemen, please welcome @rlloyd to the gang. She's a Berkman Fellow & most unlawyer-like lawyer.
systems thinking! hybrid diesel electric buses clean air in good times,give emergency electricity in disasters:
@BrickandClick Hope your "average pot of coffee" wasn't like Dunkin'Donuts swill.Can't believe new ad where people prefer it to Starbucks..
@sengseng We should all enroll in 12-step Twitter Anonymous program to reassure your parents (if memory serves, isn't your dad one of us?)
@Charlie_Edwards Unfortunately acolyte brings up bad memories of my days in that role in Episcopal Ch., which was blind obedience to dogma!
@Scobleizer yea, HD FlipCam definitely on my Xmas list!
@Charlie_Edwards hmm. Adapting Boyd's thinking to 21st-century realities?
LUV IT: Obama names Shinseki to Vets Affairs. Massive poke in eye to Rumsfeld & Wolfowitz.There is divine justice!
@Charlie_Edwards son is getting his MS in intelligence at NDU. Think he'd count himself as a Boyd disciple..
@sengseng That's a riot: Dear God, protect Amy, who's Twittering her life away with strange people...
puzzled by number of people at my Unitarian church who disappear as soon as kids are grown. Do spiritual needs disappear with the kids?
@SashaKain no matter what the circumstances, I'm always known, for better or worse, for my smile!
Finished installing new CFL ceiling lights (think they were $3 due to utility rebates -- nice looking & only 14 watts! Back to writing...
How come no one told me that writing book meant I had to write on Sat. AM rather than enjoying my secret vice, watching HG TV?
Hmm Just noticing several Web 2.0 superstars have lots of Delicious fans but never created own networks. Do they really get collaboration?
RT @RosePena Hurray for Teddy for concentrating his efforts on true health care reform! - smiling may improve health of your social network! http://tinyurl/6nbb7t - pass it on http:tinyur


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone noah Evan Williams Dennis Crowley Maggie Mason Jerry Michalski danah boyd Mary Hodder Xeni Jardin Wayne Sutton nanek Ross Dave McClure Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Paul Terry Walhus Dion Hinchcliffe Hillary Hartley Scott Beale Clay Johnson Vinu Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Susan Scrupski Stephen Randall brady forrest Alex Rainert Alex Hillman Ruby Sinreich Edward Vielmetti Chris Brogan Dennis D. McDonald Beth Kanter Doug Haslam Jim Long
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