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Reading the economic news, pondering how these things go:
RT @MitchWagner Donating to help Vera Nazarian.
@pboger Frankly, those seem like two career paths best pursued in tandem.
@anton_chuvakin For you? Beautiful thoughts, always, and well-kept log files as well :-) .
Spent the evening recalibrating my give-a-damn. I need to do that more often, especially in times like these.
Random spam phrase of the day: "When i speak of a pterodactyl i mean a stork." Don't we all, honey, don't we all.
@harrymccracken Novell and everybody (back-in-the-day edition)?
n my head, this speech really happened. Cameras there and everything.
@StevePR104 See, this is why I am gadget-fail -- all my sad little phone says is that I got suckered into carrying a Blackberry.
@MisterNoodle You sure don't have to prove it to me; I will testify that today alone has been a good 72 hours long so far.
Shazam? More like shazbot. Feh. (Gratuitous Mork and Mindy reference FTW!)
Sorry, but mobile phones simply shouldn't be this ugly:
@dcblogs Hey Thib -- here I am! Hope all is well where you are, and that the Inauguration promises much fun for you...
@mfheadcase I'm gonna bet on yr sister @ DoD, but I'm gonna hope for the best from all of them. (BTW: Still no kittens.)
@milesobrien is off the CNN sci-tech beat? Sad damn day for topic coverage --
@estherschindler Scathing, frankly vicious criticism re Writer A, directed to Writer B... but posted to Writer A. Oopsie.
Watching with horror the layoff news from Gannett: http://gannettblog.blogspot...
@grader Still having trouble, I fear? Or do I really have a grade of 13 today? :-)


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