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Am chatting on a panel tomorrow morn with @mathewi - join the webcast if you can -
@chrisdick Yeah, but what about the food service? AHA, not so fast!
@leilaboujnane You are CRAZY (which is why we all love you!)
@lonseidman That is a GREAT idea...truthfully, I have to much stuff 'cause I have to bring gifts back for the fam!
@mileskahn Don't be knockin' Canadians ;).
My suitcases have multiplied, never a good sign!
@chrisdick Looks great, nice work!
Enjoying my last w/end in sunshine b-4 heading back to (to snow, lots of work, and holiday madness!)
@dreisiebzig Great, thanks for the suggestion!
@hodgman THX to you, I have now spent time studying the fine details of this -
@Krewell That's why I like being self-employed, can't really fire myself or lay myself off...unless my performance truly disappoints me.
@peterhoffmann Difference is...TV is one-way communication...we can't comment back to Stewart, so it is kind of passive.
@hodgman Unemployed people blogging = too many pet cat posts ;). Truth - am a big Huffington fan, accent and all.
@mdufort All Internet, all the time (last night we hooked the MBP up to the TV so the whole family could watch live CTV stream)
@hodgman Yes, sure was pretty entertaining, in a sad kind of way.
@jerrybrace We all know he is a Mac guy in real life!
Watching @hodgman on The Daily Show re: Lame Duck segment. Tres funny! Kinda gets my mind off MS :).


Evan Williams Xeni Jardin Jim Williams Jay Goldman Mack D. Male Nitin Mr Messina Brian Oberkirch Saurabh Kumar Paul Terry Walhus Laurence Anderson Mike Laz Tim PhoneBoy Vitor Leite Scott Beale Mike David Crow Josh Bancroft (jeff)isageek Lynn Wallenstein Chris Prakoso caleb Jay Andrew Wilkinson Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Elmo Craig Kyle Bunch Matthew Bischoff Praveen Rajan John Pastor Thomas Riggs Steve Rosebush Lisa McMillan
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