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Most major capacity projects are also designated as major projects by the Department of Transportation. A major project is a project that receives any amount of Federal financial assistance and has an estimated total program cost greater than $500 million (expressed in year-of-expenditure dollars) or other projects with a high level of interest by the public, Congress, or the Department of Transportation.

Major projects can involve aviation (airport), rail (both light and industrial), transit, and highway projects. The purpose of many major projects is to reduce congestion and to provide greater transportation capacity. And many of these major projects are located in some of the Nation's oldest and most congested urban areas.

The FHWA maintains a description and status of each major project.

Although this listing of major projects include some projects that do not provide additional capacity or congestion improvements (e.g. bridge replacements), those projects that do can easily be found.

For further information on FHWA major projects, please visit the major projects home page.


United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration