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My breakfast is called "the marriage of Irving and Gina" and is amazing.
Having breakfast in the Brooklyn Diner. Mouthwash in the bathroom. La-di-da!
In new York city for the weekend. No power at home. Ice storm hit us bad.
@JohnCleese Per Derek and Clive, did to you ever do Public Info Films for the GPO in the 70s? I have always wondered that
At least there's no sign of the much-hyped "Ice Storm of 2008" BS that local TV stations love so much to generate in copious quantity.
@stephenfry And you just crossed 30K followers. What's not to love about life? ;)
@TwitterFon Finally. That was starting to feel like "Waiting for Godot".
Another lunchtime ride in the rain today. It takes more courage to pull on yesterday's wet gear than it does to actually get on the bike.
Balmy morning but angry skies. Lawn decorations basically survived.
@redwhiteandnews Not making left turns saves gas and saving gas is a libtard thing. What gives?
60s-born Brits will lament the passing of Mr Oliver Postgate, creator of the most surprisingly enduring programs:
Sunset pic from my iphone camera
Got my twitterfon back again using the website patch.
My kids don't so much tell you they're done, as they start to trash the table in a subtle way.
I only wish there was a *little* truth to the Obama Citizenship issue: revenge for 2000 really would be a cold dish right now.
@leolaporte You haven't lived till you've had a root canal at 7am, I always say.
Reading about Quantum Spookiness:
@redwhiteandnews What could possibly go wrong?


Philip Kaplan Nick Douglas Dan Patterson Jason Calacanis Veronica Belmont Tom Sella Robert Scoble Michael Markman John Gruber CNN Breaking News Tom Merritt Joshua Green Allen Daniel Jalkut hotdogsladies GordonWinston-Smythe Barack Obama Natali Del Conte Matthew Baldwin Remiel Mark Palmer Leo Laporte John Dickerson Scott Lundgren Muhammad Saleem Pandora Radio phillygirl Molly Wood Rachel Catherine Lainé boxee SeoulBrother Joe Trippi richardbranson The Coop ♫ Robin Bloor JohnCleese