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The Eleventh Doctor is Matt Smith, apparently.
@phej I can't believe how much good cash money people spend just to punish themselves. Re: movies.
Eartha Kitt died!?
Muggy Christmas! 80 degrees before lunch meets last night's rain.
Anybody traveling. Wash & sanitize like you have OCD. I am sick as a dog.
Travel with your hand sanitized. Didn't last flight. Paying for it now.
@urbanbohemian Bag check fee cured me of over-packing.
Stocks didn't smoke my shorts today. Still mulling a short list.
Tweeting from pool-side, because I know how it cheers everyone. Feels remarkably like curling up by the Yule fire.
@ashleydc 'bug guy' was more intriguing.
Back in Fort Myers. My delays minimal compared to others. Something clearly wrong with Vegas & Houston this AM.
On the ground in CLT. Seeing too many young guys with no legs.
Waiting to board in PIT. Headed back South.
@ashleydc Just a C-burg & Dr Pepper today.
Garfield's for lunch [Morgantown Mall].
Okay. Where's my 3G? Can't even get Edge. Got full ATT bars
Going to see Casablanca at the Warner this afternoon. That's the plan anyway.
Charlotte. Sitting now on an Embraer cattle car for Pittsburgh.


urban bohemian phej Andy Ihnatko Steven Murphy ScottInTheOC Ashley Christoff Jean Ann VanKrevelen Patrick Norton Bas Wijnands Stephen Fry Seth Miller (TNT) visitwv