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@oising i'm jealous. I wanna go skiing. :(
My laptop screen looks really blue for some reason.
@halr9000 no kitty! thats my corn beef hash! </cartman>
It's too hot for coffee today. What's a good substitute?
if you teach on-site Powershell seminars and want some business, DM me. :)
all done with presentation, now eating lunch. Mmmm chicken salad from Saladelia.
thinking of giving up on a formal presentation and just making it up as i go. :)
@GottaWannaNeeda can I have a random $20 gift card? :-) hehehe
Thanks for the replies! is one I haven't tried. Looks very interesting!
what has been the best new websites of 2008?
Got any resume writing resources? Mine needs a new layout.
@khelek haha i'd love to hear what you think! :-D
any way to modify AD attribute ACLs talking straight LDAP from a non-windows box?
finally going to decorate the tree tonite. can't wait! :)
been a while since i've seen employee morale this low. how is it where you work?
Giving an AD and Powershell presentation on Thurs. Woohoo
listening to the gov arrest briefing. the mind boggles. wow. what a stupid guy.


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