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@LloydLemons how did I miss your announcement?! CONGRATULATIONS NEW GRANDPA! :-D
I have no idea what a medical anthropologist does, but I love the job title already! @sarchet62
No job is recession proof, but here are 3 Ways to Optimize Your Job Security - (like it? pls RT!)
@webwordslinger I concur re: your best website ever selection! RT http://webwordslinger.blogs...
@dawnriversbaker thank goodness for the automatic wordpress update plugin! @WalterReader "free" has a price.
@tpollack I run which allows you to post up to 10 MSL jobs for $200 / month.
I finally updated all my wordpress blogs to v2.6.5. Thanks for releasing version 2.7; I was wondering what to do with all my free time.
RT @ethnicomm "I always say profit is NOT a 4-letter world but loss certainly is." (p.s. so is 'FREE')
Jane's Business Lesson Today: Unless you run a non-profit, don't apologize about making $.
Postsecret founder asks readers to buy more books or he'll accept advertising. I say accept ads now!
nice reminder: 10 rules for being human
@WalterReade Of course! Fine Print: Payment in Zimbabwe dollars will get you information of comparable value ;)
@WalterReade I will be glad to host a group seminar on how to make $1 million on Twitter. Cost: $500,000.00 if you bring a paying friend.
What happens when your products are "built to last"? Your company may not be one of them.
@WalterReade my #1 (of 3) in optimizing job security: be a SYNTHESIZER not just a Specialist: see big picture to anticipate and innovate.
@WalterReade my #2 (of 3) in optimizing job security: don't ask what co. can do for you, ask what you can do for co. & act like you MEAN IT!
@WalterReade my #3 (of 3) in optimizing job security: CONNECT people with people, people with support, and people with solutions.
@WalterReade I trained as a specialist and worked in a specialized area in healthcare; I've seen people specializing themselves out of job.
I've read many pro-"specializing" as a career strategy during recession. Reality check: How many specialists did Google & Yahoo lay off?
ING didn't get creative and suffered only 15 foreclosures for its 100,000 loans worth $26B.


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