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Installed Amazon MP3 downloader and purchased my first music from Amazon instead of iTunes. A bit more complex, but not a bad experience.
Checked out a band video and found a luthier 10 minutes from our office:
@sogrady What brand? I've had decent success with Seagate (knock wood).
My Gizmoskin case for the Bold arrived. ~1 week tunaround coming from Canada isn't too bad.
First snow shoveling of the winter.
I might, *might*, get a chance to push out a real blog post this week. :)
23 degrees and snowing for my drive home. The snow is starting to stick a little too.
Picking up pizza to bring back to the office. Developers work better with pizza. And caffeine.
The only thing I've used that actually works to sync iCal and Google Calendar is Busy Sync. It's on sale today:
The agenda for tomorrow's meeting is over 200 items long. Even if we only discuss each feature for 2 minutes...
I'm a big fan of good down jackets.
Finally using the base code to build stuff - rewarding. Still a lot to do on the base, but that's mainly just nicer handling of edge cases.
Apparently Nebraska is "the good life". According to the sign at least.
Any recommendations for good "on the go" food on I-80 between Des Moines and Denver?
Overslept a bit. Today's plans unchanged. I'll be logging the drive back to Denver on Brightkite:
The Bold is the Cadillac of BlackBerries. A bit big, but elegant and powerful.
The browser on the Bold isn't iPhone-level, but it is a huge improvement. It handles the Super Grid on just fine.
Helped a relative set up an iPod and iTunes this evening. Who else helped out family with tech issues today?
@joullah I'm going to sell the Curve. Send me an email through my web site ( if you're interested.


Dave Mr Messina Brian Oberkirch Sean Porter Kevin Cawley Michael McFadden Peter Gornell Daniel Newman Jason Hoffman Julie Johnston Gordon Brander Warren, Mr. Warren Matt Walters photomatt Jeremy Harrington Chris Pederick Alex Payne rands Chris Griego John Gruber teh_real_chock Joseph Scott steve o'grady Anne Z. Ethan Kaplan Josh Pigford Devin Reams Twitterrific Brent Simmons Sam DeVore Charles Miller raanan DeWitt Michael Sitarzewski Geof F. Morris Steven Frank