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Scheming with @thad. Too many balls in the air at the moment, need to consolidate some things this week.
Is scrolling with the mouse wheel in the new Google Reader layout stupidly slow for anyone else?
I just got really excited that Uno is out on the iPhone, then sad when I found out it is $8. Might just go buy a real deck instead.
What a weekend. Mum is doing well, getting more tests tomorrow, and I've actually gotten through a lot of work between worrying.
Thanks for the kind thoughts guys, I really appreciate it. Getting a bit emotional, but she's a tough one. So hard with the distance though
Just found out my Mum had a mild heart attack. Really hits home how far away I am from my family.
Also, trying to work out what I have to trade for a friend's G1. Don't really need one, but surely there is something here I need less
My Comcast is back up to speed, thanks @comcastcares. Now I've lost all motivational to work though.
Trying to throw big files around different servers is proving a huge pain the in arse with my shitty internet speeds today...
@comcastcares Thanks, will do. I'm in the Tenderloin area if that helps.
@comcastcares I'm getting really slow speeds in SF today, is there something going on?
Seems like everyone is going to Australia for Christmas but me... Even some Americans!
I do recall when weekends were for relaxing, but I'm stocked up on meetings and work for this one...
So launched yesterday: Facebook Connect, Google Friend Connect, and Helio Connect. Lacking: naming originality.
@adamjackson looking good on KRON4 mate! Though I do live in the loin...
This is a really sweet presentation from the CTO of Wikimedia. Getting me excited, but not in a sexual way. Honest. -
Hmm, can see tweaks to the iPhone Google Reader UI. quite nice.
@neilphillips there is a new Google Reader interface? I've been using Helvetireader
Seeing some really interesting stuff around scalability from smart guys at WikiMedia and Sun. Couldn't come at a better time. - http:/...


Evan Williams sara Russ veen Wayne Sutton Jordy Mont-Reynaud Nick Douglas Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Paul Terry Walhus Thad White Enlai Chu Andy Jagoe Derek Gathright Darla Mack palmsolo thomasknoll Brett Petersel Jade Randy Dave Morin Harshad Sharma Dave Winer Jason Calacanis lane Daniel Johnson, Jr. Dan Cederholm mdy Serdar KiliƧ Anne Lisa McMillan Molly E. Holzschlag Mick Liubinskas Phil Morle Greg Lexiphanic alan jones
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