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@audio all the best for MCL2 tomorrow!
@ConversationAge cool, can't wait to read then!
@ConversationAge you can use twitter instead!
My post in FF
Consulted for 1.5 years, now tired of being me and my PC want to be in a larger project in Social Media and Networks...
RT @socialmedian video: Paulo Coelho at Le Web '08 in Paris <<< you should all check this out
@mattbrawn don't tell me have a look at the Nero I had yesterday and produce more #coffeetalk 4 our goodness
@jobucks apparently not!
I am hearing good things about this Sacred off to Carnaby St. #coffeetalk
@mattbrawn for sure it is in London, much better than Monmouth. There should be more than the two, right? #coffeetalk
@wesbot really need to know where that coffee place you mentioned which is not Monmouth is
No wonder Flat White in Soho is run by Australians whose coffee culture I am completely reconsidering #coffeetalk
@codepo8 there was a CoffeeSnobs in Australia as well, I can believe there are no snobs here in London!
@jobucks twitter suggests Monmouth and Flat White which I am a patron already, there should be more than that! #coffeetalk
somebody please address the lack of coffee review sites in London or at least my ignorance about them
@jobucks they contacted me, we linked back to each other, I guess it serves the purpose, will investigate in greater detail
watched Bienvenue chez les Ch'tis las night and cried for laughing


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