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Good night.
@brian4dotcom Yeah fx were cool, but that was about it to be honest. Wait for it on video, sadly.
@brian4dotcom How are you Brian? I don't get to talk to you often. I try to use Brightkite more often too. :)
@Zadi I agree. A little snow would be nice. :) Sheesh
Just saw The Day the Earth Stood Still. Interesting. That's all.
Just left the Apple Store to learn that I have two programs that are eating space on my drive. LOL *silly*
@JaysonShawver The fact that happiness has an ebb and flow in the lives of all at varying degrees may be what dampens happiness.
@natyca A Mac taste like milk chocolate goodness and feels like a big warm hug. :)
@warbuck I'll have to sign your guest book a little later. Computer is giving me trouble.
@taley What happened? You weren't in an accident were you?
But first, pay bills.
Okay It's time I go and get my account up to par. I haven't touched it and yet I'm being "friended."
Happy Saturday everyone!
Doing my Design Basics homework.


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