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retweeting @robertbrook "hmm - PAF pricing next year: http://www.evoxfacilities.c..." - hmmm indeed...
Inbox zero day zero. Again. Being ill has rather fouled up the whole being vaguely organised thang. Bah.
Chasing support requests.
Dear web2.0 apps. Unless you tell me what you actually _do_ in your "amazing new release" update I won't remember. Or click. Love, Adrian
@martinpolley Wikipedia knows all "Flash - a tortoise [...] ("Slowly, steadily, I move at my own pace" - :-)
Waiting for MS Word to start up...... singing the old Fingerbob's "Slowly... steadily" song under my breath...
@ribot Congrats on new offices etc. :)
Consuming tomato & basil soup. Nummy.
Don't think I'm being stupid. Not sure if Cushy is. Support e-mail sent.
Trying to figure out if I'm being stupid or CushyCMS is being stupid.
Coughing to much to think of anything witty for #oscarwildeday :)
Thoroughly sick of this current cold. Bah.
No more cous cous or roast veggies. Now not hungry.
@ryancarson "What's the one thing you need to be happy (providing your basic needs are met)?" Quiet time alone to think. And books :)
Cous Cous cooking. Roast veggies in Thai garlic & chilli sauce roasting. Hungry.
Moderating the heck out of some spammers on the STX UX SIG mailing list.
After Monday's train hassles giggling at @southwesttrains
Snuggled under duvet with laptop and lots of coffee. Snuffle.


Biz Stone Evan Williams Steve Jenson veen Ross Andrew Crow peterme Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch Dan Cederholm Susan Scrupski Robert Brook Victor Lombardi l.m. orchard ribot Doug Haslam Kevin Cheng Ian Forrester Tantek Çelik Hickensian Leslie Chicoine Aaron Gustafson Christian Weinmayr Drew McLellan Natalie Simon Willison Tom Coates Snook Jackson Wilkinson Paul Boag Sandy Robert Scoble Dave Cross Ryan Carson Andy Lester Alex Payne
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