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@hnprashanth Happy Birthday! Masala Dosa today for sure!
@kv Good Luck for your exams!!! All the best!
@kv Any @yapodcast sometime around??
@startonomics if Ur talking about the mobile client @twibble, just scroll down, U'll find replies
@jackol Wow! thats amazing... some 500+ km road trip... in a day... nice
skype doesnt have import from gmail? WTF??
@jackol Where are U headed to
@nikhilnarayanan U shouldnt say that, without posting a link to it. Why? Why why??
@ABVan See U said something. So it is false ;)
@Ushu nope. Zen is all about just letting it be.
@codepo8 thats why i refer to them only when they are on techmeme. Else i see just @techcrunch.
@shankarravi nope. I need to figure out why that happened.
Work for this week ends as the table continues to load. Hope that system doesnt crash.
@codepo8 Yahoo was all over on valleywag yesterday. Why today again?? Why? nothing more on techmeme either.
a table that was supposed to have 22 rows has 22000+ rows, still loading. My monday will be busy ;(
@vsr Internal blog supposed to be deleted in one month. Isnt it??
@rameshsrivats Promising anything is realistically possible. never mind the straining each nerve ;)
@abhic @vinodhn I am told unfuddle is far superior even to assembla. U checked it?
@dhempe they are also backed up on googles servers, so long as ur signed into the account. why dont U simply backup ur entire profile folder


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