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Wow, tons of paperwork to go to Saudi Arabia... much different than just getting on a plane to go to Europe!
Just decided on my brother's Christmas present. Its awesomeness is exceeded only by it's low cost.
Watching the Space Station IMAX Blu-Ray disc. Holy clarity, Batman.
What's the latest verdict on Parallels vs. VMWare?
BLOG UPDATE: Have fun with your business: It’s a subtle thing. It took me a while to ..
Kinda creepy to see content you've posted months/yrs ago that you literally have zero memory of...
Huffington Post releases a blogging how-to:
BLOG UPDATE: Welcome to Macintosh DVD: A new DVD, Welcome to Macintosh, is coming out soon,..
BLOG UPDATE: Obama is living up to the transparency promise: In a bold and downright deligh..
RT @chrisbrogan is giving away a $500 Kmart Gift Card on his blog - simply tweet or comment to enter
@ElizabethB blah blah blah. Next you're going to rub in the fact that you live close to both a beach AND shuttle launches. Grrr.
RT @juliaroy is giving away a $500 #Kmart Gift Card on her blog - simply tweet or comment to enter
@LionelatDell Yes, Netflix streaming is very cool. Reason I'm tying to get a hard line run to my TV so I can get better quality streaming.
Apparently Verizon has never installed an additional data jack before.... or so it would seem.
Clusterf**k of a tech support call with Verizon. Usually they're better than this. Yikes.
My ethernet cable drop continues to flummox me, and now an electrician. Grrrrr.
Duplicity looks like a good movie:
Holy. Lord. Miami Vice in HD on Blu-Ray. Daaaaaaamn.
Should Star Wars Ep1-3 have been animated like The Clone Wars? Easier to "live up" to expectations?
@shoot_the_moon dedicated "me" time. I like it. Wonder if I could stop feeling guilty about lacking productivity to pull it off...


Scott Fegette danah boyd Mary Hodder Xeni Jardin Dave McClure Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch Scott Beale Blake Burris Jim Young thomasknoll (jeff)isageek Dave Winer Kelly Abbott Derek Powazek Stewart Butterfield Lisa McMillan Thor Muller Jennifer Woodard M Josh Hallett Alex Hillman Megan McCarthy Chris Brogan Alex Rudloff Veronica Belmont Emily Chang Alex de Carvalho Brian Solis debs Leia Scofield Lee LeFever Karen O'Brien Tom Coates  C.C. Chapman Josh Williams
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