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So cool to watch @joshuaclayton ride the (Ruby on) Rails. He totally rocks!
@jhurtado yeah, strictly grammatically speaking, of course.
Writing "and/or" is a crutch for the weak.
RT @pbakaus: Oh, and it seems that jQuery is now powering Amazon on all worldwide pages! Woot!
Happy birthday to my daughter, Lucia. She is now a big six year old. :)
What’s Up With jQuery UI? Find out:
@joel_birch errr. should have been "Indeed."
@joel_birch Ineeed. Love the logo on the cover, too. :)
Got a copy of the Korean translation of Learning jQuery in the mail today:
@rsoule which jQuery bundle are you using?I've stopped developing the one at Macromates. Def. use the github one instead:
@riklomas oh, absolutely. tagging that can be shared would be great, too.
@riklomas mostly legacy and inertia, I suspect. (personally, I prefer Google Groups. Never met a forum that made any sense.)
@masuga that's strange. I've never had that problem with FF. Do you use adblock plus extension? it has worked very well for me.
Baty's Law: "We will have perfected each and every IE6 hack on the exact day that we decide to no longer support it." ( thx @jackbaty )
@jdsharp and @steveschoon -- I can't tell you how happy it makes me when two of my friends from different worlds tweet each other. :)
@chriscoyier - thanks for your comment on learning jquery! I posted a reply ...
new jQuery tutorial. Quick Tip: Click Table Row to Trigger a Checkbox Click --
@jackbaty when I get to work, it auto opens Jira and TimePop Fluid apps. connects to Rogue/projects opens Yammer. At home, it closes them.
@jackbaty I've been using MarcoPolo for a while now, after @timkelty raved about it. Works pretty well.


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