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@ampersandwich What other "1st Date Food No No's" are there? :)
@pekingduk Did you eventually find a Macworld Expo hotel?
@pekingduk Even better - it's reversible so you can choose the side you'd like to caress... :)
Inexpensive Christmas Gift for a Photographer: Innovative Camera Straps -
@Mich73 He just showed up. I'm standing at door. He parked outside our house, rummaged around in back of his truck...and left...WTF!?
@harrymccracken So when it turns out to *not* be an "iPhone Killer", can we mock them appropriately?
@skweeker No, not her fault. If they had delivered it on Wednesday when the lying SOB claimed he tried, I wouldn't be here right now.
@FishWheels Any page that auto-resizes my browser window ain't worth *squat*.
Window of riding opportunity now closed. SCREW YOU, UPS!
Dear God...someone has shown @Moltz how to use Flickr video...
@Xevious Yup - when it works (and it often doesn't) we back up multiple Leopard machines using Time Machine.
@pekingduk Unfortunately, the reverse is very much true. But with my new Italian boots/clothes, I *will* be stylin' at Macworld! :)
@JustSayKB LOL True. Worse part is this is the last day for delivery - didn't show first day and I was asleep 2nd day. So I'm trapped. :(
@SenorDanimal Happy to help! ther will be more. :)
@amrosario @SenorDanimal You should pick up or read the latest Motorcycle Cruiser mag. Page 96 has a good article "The Paranoia Game".
@SlyM Snow in Vancouver, snow in Nashville yesterday yet none here in CT.....Stupid Mother Nature.
Can't believe I'm sitting around waiting for @LesaKing's Zappos delivery instead of out riding... :(
@chartier You shouldn't be. Without "what she did", she wouldn't be getting the accolades she's getting.
@pekingduk Well, it's sexy all by itself. Once it wraps around me, it gets exponentially less so... :)
@macteklv Correction: *Wannabe* fashionista. :)


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