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@livepath Sorry to hear you are down for the count... feel better! Need anything? Chocolate? Vodka? Sedatives?
@JonBurg I have no idea...
@YCFlores I am a big fan of hers. ; )
This is just painful to watch (but funny): (thx @YCFlores)
@CreativeWisdom @bethharte @mtnmissy @sonnygill @uncommon_sense Thanks! Nice to see my kids cooperate.. for a change. ; ) - : Placing the star, at last...
@YCFlores I did not! BUt thank you! Looking forward to checking it out... - Happy holidays from the Leon Sisters, circa 1952
@sonnygill @manp @Jenn_ex @petsaretalking It was heartbreakingly sweet, and she is nothing if not an optimist!
Snowed this morning north of Boston. My environmentally-minded 11 y o woke up & said, "Yippee! We've stopped global warming!" ; )
Need a funny and offbeat ecard? t (from @carlafcosta)
@Eric_Urbane That'll do nicely. Thank you, kind sir.
@Eric_Urbane Yes. You are a prince among men. I'll have just a coffee please, light.
It's interesting to see your predictions.. thank you so much, everyone. Again.
THANK YOU Twitter.. you all rock!! Thanks so much for all the *great* input.
@awolk These are great Alan.....


Biz Stone Evan Williams Jason Goldman Jerry Michalski hans.gerwitz Noah danah boyd Mary Hodder seanbonner Wayne Sutton om Dave McClure Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Dobromir Hadzhiev Michael Parekh Paul Terry Walhus Matt Cutler Scott Beale Roderick Manuel Viloria BJ Cook thomasknoll (jeff)isageek Dustin Jacobsen Chris Prakoso VeerChand Bothra Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Daniel Johnson, Jr. Mirona Iliescu Michael McFadden brendan jackson Matthew Bischoff Sooz Jayne
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