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Looking forward to meeting colleagues in our office in HKG this morn. Flying to Shanghai tomorrow night.
Seeing how soc. media is used differently in HKG vs mainland China. Culture has huge impact. Critical to tailor/localize campaigns in Asia.
Getting ready for about 20 hours of air travel, thankful for my blue friend Lunesta.
Bummed I missed NPR's "Morning Edition" report today about fun mobile app we created for a client. Listen here:
Watching CNET TV coverage on Zicam Cold & Flu app we built for client. Android+iPhone varieties with local cold/flu stats and more. All FREE
At Starbucks for a meeting. Wish more of them were here. Nice diversion.
Have to take a car service on upcoming trip and spotted a lingering "fuel surcharge" on the estimate. Huh? Gas at $1.65/gal.... Ripoff city.
Consumer confidence rose in the latest report, due in part to cheap gas. It won't last, folks, so don't sell your Prius just yet.
Just heard a radio spot from Officemax reminding us to "Elf Ourselves" this holiday season at It just won't die.
@rdublife Yep. Now it's showing up. What'd you change? BTW, saw RMHC Hands is up to 95,000 sent .... really great.
If you have a Mac, check out Boxee. Pretty nifty video app and GREAT for an Apple-based media center box.
@tracysteiner Create an Outlook rule banishing all emails with "a" "an" or "the" included immediately to the trash. Voila. Silver bullet.
You know it's a busy time when 140 characters is a struggle. On Twitter sabbatical for a while....
Is "maintenance" the new "weather" of airline delay excuses? At ORD, hoping to get out!
Love that Google just baked video chat into Gmail.
Trying to get Flight Sim X to run on a Mac Mini under VMWare. Wondering if I have a chance of this working.. Saturdays are tinker night.
Reading "Why Semantics are the Future of Paid Search" -- worth a look.
@devashishsaxena Great to meet you this morning. Look forward to seeing you and your team in early December to brainstorm more.
NPR urging listeners who encounter long lines or suspect voter fraud to report it to them via Twitter. Will tomorrow be messy?
Cracking up watching McCain's intro on SNL. He's a good sport. Loved the pork knives.


Dave Winer David Parmet Mike Manuel Chris Brogan Robert French Brian Solis Jeremy Pepper Aimee Weber Jeremiah Zachary McGeary Neils Brooks Jonny Rosemont B. Bonin Bough Cat Todd Defren Steve Rubel Jake McKee Greg Swan marc lefton Jennifer Fader Lynne d Johnson Barack Obama Craig Ritchie Charlene Li Peter Kim Robert Scoble Jessica Payne Simon Collister Adrants idil cakim Stephen Colbert Barbara Gibson John Moore Scott Arenson Constantin Basturea Amy Worley
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